Division of Fundamental Research
The Division of Fundamental Research of the Swiss Chemical Society is a platform for all chemists involved in fundamental and applied research in the chemical sciences. The division has around 1300 members and hosts the Photochemistry Section, the Swiss Catalysis Section, the Association of Computational Chemists (SACC) and the youngSCS as sub-units.
Community News
The aims of the DFR are
- to offer a network for all researchers in the chemical sciences in Switzerland.
- to promote research in all fields of chemistry, and in particular interdisciplinary collaborations.
- to facilitate the organization of conferences, seminars and courses.
- to stimulate contacts between the different chemistry departments and research units of the Swiss academic institutions and industry.
- to encourage the publication of research results in the journals supported by the society.
- to support the organization of international chemistry conferences in Switzerland.
Main activities
- Organize the SCS Fall Meeting, one of the largest annual scientific conferences in Switzerland with about 1000 participants and up to 600 scientific presentations (lectures, short talks, posters)
- Coordinate the organization of the SCS Spring Meeting and define topics, chairs and locations for each event.
- Invite world-class distinguished scientists to Swiss research institutions for the SCS Lectureship Tours and organize the Heilbronner-Hückel Lectureship in collaboration with the GDCh.
- Represent Switzerland in the EuChemS divisions of Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry and Radio Chemistry.
- Publish the CHIMIA column ‘Swiss Science Concentrates.
- Support the Editor in Chief of CHIMIA do publish issue on DFR related topics.
- Honor excellence in chemical sciences with the Paracelsus Prize and the Werner Prize.
- Support the organization of international chemistry conferences in Switzerland.
Prof. Thomas Bürgi, University of Geneva
Prof. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel
Prof. Martin Albrecht, University of Berne
Member of the Board
Dr. Stephan Bachmann, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
Prof. Christian Bochet, University of Fribourg
Member of the Board
Dr. Brigitte Buchmann, EMPA Dübendorf
Member of the Board
Prof. Sandrine Gerber, EPFL Lausanne
Member of the Board and Chair of the SCS Fall Meeting Lausanne
Prof. Dennis Gillingham, University of Basel
Member of the Board
Prof. Eva Hevia, University of Berne
Member of the Board
Prof. Michal Juricek, University of Zurich
Member of the Board
Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi, ETH Zurich
Member of the Board and Delegate in the EuChemS Division of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
Prof. Frédéric Merkt, ETH Zurich
Member of the Board
Prof. Bill Morandi, ETH Zurich
Member of the Board
Prof. Javier Perez-Ramirez, ETH Zurich
Member of the Board
Prof. Martin Quack, ETH Zurich
Member of the Board
Prof. Philippe Renaud, University of Berne
Member of the Board
Prof. Pablo Rivera Fuentes, EPFL Lausanne
Member of the Board
Prof. Bruno Therrien, University of Neuchâtel
Member of the Board
Prof. Nicolas Winssinger, University of Geneva
Member of the Board
The DFR financially supports the organizers of conferences, symposia, summer schools and similar events of cutting-edge chemical sciences in Switzerland.
Basic Criteria for the event
- The topic covered by the conference must be in the chemical sciences. The conference program must meet international standards.
- The event shall be attractive for young students of the chemical sciences.
- Outstanding speakers from outside Switzerland are desirable
- The organizers must be members of a Swiss research institution (Academia or Industry) and be members of the SCS.
- The conference should take place in Switzerland.
- The conference should not duplicate an activity already covered by a Swiss Chemical Institution and be primarily research oriented.
- The event should be unique and not being recurrent
- Minimal duration of half a day (4h) is required
Application process
The application must be concise and comprise the following sections/information.
- Scientific description of the event – topic in chemical sciences
- Targeted audience and expected number of participants
- Final or preliminary program including speaker's names and affiliation
- Provisional budget, providing details about further third party funds
- Names of the organizing/scientific committee
- Selection process
- The DFR board will review the application and decide at one of its two annual meetings according to the basic criteria for funding.
- The applicants are informed immediately after the meeting about the board's decision.
- The approved amount shall not exceed 10'000 CHF for an event lasting more than one day and 5'000 CHF for a one-day event. The DFR can provide a sum of money or give a shortfall guarantee.
After the event
- The organizers are strongly encouraged to report in Chimia about larger events.