SCS Individual Membership
Become a member of the SCS and profit from our services and a wide range of benefits.
- Be part of the SCS network and profit from our connections (also on our e-platforms and the Social Media)
- >Get CHIMIA for free; 10 printed issues per year and access to all scientific articles as e-edition on Ingenta
- Join SCS conferences, symposia and training courses for free or at a reduced fees.
- Apply for student travel grants to participate in an international scientific conference
- Get access to RÖMPP online for a reduced fee of CHF 175 for regular members or CHF 75 for students respectively
- Benefit from reduced fees for al lot of the Chemistry Europe offers and profit from special offers as a members of a participating society
- Get a discount on processing charges for publications in selected open access journals of MDPI

Fees for Additional Services of Our Divisions/Sections
Division of Industrial & Applied Chemistry
- CHF +20.00 for individual members
- CHF +100.00 for companies
Photochemistry Section, incl. membership of European Photochemistry Association (EPA)
- CHF +40.00 for individual members
- CHF +20.00 for students
All other assignments to divisions, sections and networks are free of charge.
Institutional Membership
CHF 800.00: Institutional membership for companies and universities (basic package)
+CHF 100.00: to join the SCS Division of Industrial & Applied Chemisty (DIAC)
Complementary services
- CHIMIA print subscription and e-version;
- 1 free company report in CHIMIA per year (one-page, regular price CHF 800);
- Listing as SCS member on the SCS website and in CHIMIA;
Reduced rates for CHIMIA Services
- 50% discount on company reports (1st report is complementary);
- 50% discount on job ads;
- 30% discount on 1st ad (any size);
- Advertisement packages (all same size): 30% on 1st ad, 50% on
- all additional ads in the same calendar year;
Reduced Rates on Courses of the SCS Academy
- Reduced member rates for Further Education courses of the SCS Academy;
Please contact if you are interested in a collaboration. We will contact you and discuss the best option to implement a fruitful collaboration.