You are kindly invited to consider designing and submitting your proposals for a new EuCheMS logo, along the lines as presented and discussed at the General Assembly in Dublin.

In brief, they are as follows:
1) The logo has to be easily and immediately associated with chemical and molecular sciences.
2) The logo shall represent European dimension of EuCheMS.
3) The logo shall bring across a message about chemistry in a positive sense, including its progress and its contribution to solving societal challenges, mainly in research and in education associated with it.
4) The logo shall be easily adaptable for Divisions, Working Parties and the European Young Chemists Network.
5) The logo shall be easily reproducible in black and white.

Knowledge, curiosity, imagination, European collaboration are the key words that go with it.

At this stage, a rough sketch of a logo is sufficient. The details will be defined later on.

The evaluation of the proposals will be conducted by a jury formed by members of EuCheMS.

We hope that the upcoming festive season will give you a lot of inspiration and we are looking forward to receiving your proposals by 28 Februry 2013 at 

With best regards
EuCheMS Secretariat

Each participant ensures that its proposal is original and creative and does not violate legal provisions in force.
EuCheMS does not carry responsibility for any kind of a problem that might occur in view of this call.

David Spichiger, SCS