Banner ZH School Crystallography2015

Time is running out to get your applications in to attend the ever popular Zurich School of Crystallography. Full details can be found at and applications to attend the school are now open.

The closing date for applications is January 15, 2015.

The course is ideally suited to young researchers in the molecular and solid-state sciences, who do not have access to crystallographic courses at their own institution.

Participants will gain hands-on experience in the science and art of a routine crystal and molecular structure determination of small molecules through lectures, computer exercises and practical work, theoretical topics in crystal growth, unit cells, space groups, the phase problem, structure refinement and strategies for dealing with difficult structures will be covered.

Practical sessions will cover instrumentation, crystal selection and mounting, data collection and exposure to commonly used software and interpretation of program output to name but a few.

During the school, students will have the unique opportunity to use one of the five available X-ray diffractometers to collect data and determine the structure of one of their own compounds that they are currently interested in and that they have not worked on before.

Ten tutors experienced in all aspects of chemical crystallography will be on hand to teach the theoretical and practical aspects of this sometimes complex science. The class usually contains no more than 20 students ensuring plenty of individual tuition and guidance throughout the School. This personal attention is probably one of the most unique aspects of the School. At the end of the School, participants give a ten minute presentation of the results of their analysis.

Comments from a past student of the school include, “Now I feel more confident in evaluating my crystal structure solutions”.

Successfully completing the course also has the added bonus of offering 3 ECT credit points fro European participants, equivalent to 90 contact hours.

More details on:



David Spichiger, SCS