The National Research Program NPR 66 "Resource Wood" is organizing it's summer school in Zäziwil from Sep 1-3, 2014 and is looking for a key note speaker for the workshop "Innovative wood-based materials for new applications".
The organizers are looking for a person from industry who could give some inputs from his/her daily business and formulate some assumptions to the workshop topic, that can be discussed afterwards in the working groups. The goal of the speech is not to give a scientific lecture but to stimulate the participants to think about the topic in an innovative way.
The lecture is planed on September 2, 08.30-09.00 in the Hotel Appenberg in Zäziwil. The workshop ends at 11.00 and it would be great if the key note speaker could also participate in the discussions.
If you are interested, please contact Thomas Bernhard, Jörn Kohlschmitt oder Enrico Bellini from IC Infraconsult AG.
Thomas Bernhard, Dipl. pol.
Leiter WTT NFP 66 Ressource Holz
IC Infraconsult AG
Kasernenstrasse 27
CH-3013 Bern
Tel. +41 31 359 24 34 (direkt)
Tel. +41 31 359 24 24 (Sekretariat)
Fax +41 31 359 24 25
David Spichiger, SCS