The European Young Chemists’ Network (EYCN), in collaboration with EuChemS and IUPAC, is organizing the second edition of the video contest Chemistry Rediscovered in honour of the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT) in 2019. Young chemists (12-35 years old) are invited to send in creative videos of maximum 90 seconds on the theme “In Your Element”.
Interested in participating? It’s simple! Follow this procedure step-by-step:
Step 1. Choose one element or get creative with the entire Periodic Table!
Step 2. Use your imagination and make a 90 second video. Need help? Team up with up to four people.
Step 3. Send your video no later than 31st of January 2019 to using WeTransfer.
Important to know:
- The competition will be split into two groups: pupils (12-18) and early career chemists (19-35);
- All submitted videos will be assessed by an international judging panel (non-spoken video or English subtitles are suggested);
- Results will be published in March 2019 and the winners will be awarded amazing IYPT-related prizes. The overall winner(s) will receive an invitation to Paris!
- All participants to the competition will receive a certificate of participation as well as a copy of the 2019 special edition EuChemS Periodic Table.
Before taking part in the competition, please make sure to read carefully the Rules and Regulations of the video contest on our website:
David Spichiger, SCS