14th EFMC-YSN MedChemBioOnline
February 28 (16:30 to 18:30 CET)
MedChemBioOnline is a series of webinars mixing science, soft-skills trainings and round table discussions. This initiative aims to meet the needs of our scientific community to continue interacting and sharing ideas and innovation, as well as providing early career scientists with opportunities to listen to outstanding scientists and expand their knowledge.
The 14th EFMC-YSN MedChemBioOnline will offer an exciting programme around the topics of "Successful Stories of Women in Science: Inspiring Career Paths".
PROGRAMME (indicated times are CET):
- 16:30 | Welcome & Opening
- 16:35 | Addressing Underexplored Anti-infective Targets
Prof. Anna K. H. Hirsch (Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland, Germany) - 17:10 | Science Communication is Not Only for the Public
Dr Élodie Chabrol (Freelance Science Communicator, France) - 17:45 | Round Table Discussion: "Challenges and Opportunities for Women in STEM"
Dr Elodie Chabrol (Freelance Science Communicator, France)
Prof. Anna K. H. Hirsch (Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutcial Research Saarland, Germany)
Prof. Zaneta Nikolovska-Coleska (University of Michigan, United States)
Dr Radka Snajdrova (Novartis Pharma AG, Switzerland)
Dr Wendy Young (MPM Capital, United States) - 18:30 | End of the Webinar
More information & registration on www.medchembio.online
The event is free and open to all thanks to the generous support of:
The Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters
David Spichiger, SCS