Invitation and agendas for the General Assemblies of DAC, DCF, DMC and DPK
AlI Division members are cordially invited to attend the assemblies.
Division of Analytical Chemistry (DAC)
1. Welcome by the president
2. Nomination of the scrutineers
3. President's annual report
4. Treasurer's annual report
5. Approval of the reports
6. Discharge of the Board members
7. Reelection of the board
8. Outlook 2011
9. Individual proposals (proposals must be sent to
10 days in advance)
10. Miscellaneous
Division of Chemical Research (DCF)
1. Report of the president
2. Report of the treasurer
3. Discharge of the Board members
4. Election of new board members
5. Miscellaneous
Division of Medicinal Chemistry (DMC)
1. Annual report 2010
2. Activities 2010-2011
3. Financial report 2010
4. Discharge of the Board members
5. Activities 2011-2012
6. Miscellaneous
Division of Polymers and Colloids (DPK)
1. Annual report of the President
2. Financial report 2010
3. Discharge of the Board members
4. Election of the board
5. Discussion of proposals of the members
6. Miscellaneous