Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Inorganic Materials Chemistry
100 %

Start date of employment: December 1, 2023

The Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Bern, Switzerland, is looking to hire a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Inorganic Materials Chemistry.

Your profile

We are seeking candidates with a competitive research program in experimental inorganic chemistry with a strong focus on materials. Possible research topics include (but are by no means limited to): metal organic frameworks, heterogeneous catalysis, f-block systems, molecular surface functionalization. Alignment of the research with the strategic goals of the University of Bern (in particular sustainability) is important. Teaching assignments in case of tenure will comprise basic and advanced inorganic chemistry including laboratory courses for students of chemistry, biochemistry, and other disciplines within the Faculty of Science.
The University of Bern has set the aim of increasing the percentage of women in leading academic positions and thus strongly encourages female scientists to apply for the position. The University of Bern values diversity and is committed to equal opportunities; applications are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates who meet the stated criteria.

Your application

Interested candidates should send their motivation letter, Curriculum Vitae, list of publications and past achievements indicating their 5 most relevant publications, synopsis of their past, current and planned research (max. 5 pages) as a single PDF file to the Dean's Office, email: applications@natdek.unibe.ch, and submit the completed online questionnaire, link to be found at http://www.dcbp.unibe.ch/jobs.

Deadline for applications is March 26, 2023.


Informal inquiries can be addressed to:
Prof. Dr. Eva Hevia, phone +41 31 684 42 41, email: eva.hevia@unibe.ch

The University of Bern has signed the DORA Declaration and has been implementing it since 2016.



Céline Wittwer, SCS