150918 SCCER-EIPETH Zurich, AudiMax (HG F 30),
Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich

18 Sep 2015, 10:15-15:15

The vision of the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research on Efficiency of Industrial Processes (SCCER EIP) is to enhance the energy efficiency of the Swiss process industry.

Research and development within the SCCER EIP addresses systems at different scales, from individual process units to integrated processes up to integrated sites connected with their surroundings, with a focus on technological innovation but also addressing organisational and managerial

New concepts and processes, innovations and demonstration facilities are being developed, tested and evaluated to enable the industry sector to reach its energy efficiency targets according to the “Energy Strategy 2050” for Switzerland and to improve its competitiveness.

The Annual Conference 2015 will provide an opportunity for all participants to discuss the potentials for energy efficiency in the process industry and to get an update about scientific highlights from the research activities.

Main topics:

  • Tandem presentations on industryrelevant topics from research and industrial partners
  • Poster session with scientific highlights from the work packages
  • Networking lunch and apéro

For the detailed program, thge registration and contact dedails please see the website or the pdf flyer.

Website: www.sccer-eip.ch


David Spichiger, SCS