Many countries throughout the world are now providing considerable resources to preserve their cultural heritage. Chemistry plays a crucial role in this area, especially with respect to conservation and restoration of paintings, frescoes and other historical artefacts. Chemical imaging and the improved capabilities of spectroscopic and other analytical techniques contribute enormously to this field. Furthermore, Chemistry students at all levels are already being introduced to the importance of cultural heritage through their coursework and research activities. Career paths in conservation and restoration are opening up to undergraduate and graduate students, especially those who have combined Chemistry and Art History in their university studies.

Chemistry Teacher International (CTI) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal sponsored by the Committee on Chemistry Education that has been published by De Gruyter since 2019. Its aim is to be a platform for chemistry teachers of all levels that bridges the gap between research and education. It’s stated motto is “Best Practices in Chemistry Education”. The website is

From time to time, CTI publishes special issues on topical areas and it is now planning to publish a special issue entitled “Chemistry Education and Cultural Heritage”. It is hoped that there will be contributors from around the globe.

If you are interested in contributing to this Special Issue, please send a provisional title, together with the name and email address of the submitting author to one of the guest editors (see below). The deadline for submission is August 31, 2022, and the special issue will be published in late 2022 or early 2023.

Guest Editors:
- Ian S. Butler, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Email: .

- Kenza Dufourmantelle, Senior Director, Research, Conservation and Scientific Services, Canadian Conservation Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Email: .

- Eleanor (Nelly) von Aderkas, Conservator, The National Gallery, London, UK.
Email: .

Céline Wittwer, SCS