160704 ChemEdu2016

Given its increasing importance, the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) decided to extend its activities into the area of chemical education. The new Division of Chemical Education (DCE), which now is in the process of being established, shall support the interaction of educators and teachers of chemistry at all levels. The possibility to interact with scientists of the other SCS divisions will create bridges between research and education. To launch this process, the symposium “Future of Chemical Education”, which is part of the next SCS Fall Meeting, will be held at University of Zürich on September 15, 2016.

The event will provide ideas and best practice in theoretical, practical and experimental chemical education and targets qualified teachers from secondary school on upwards. 

Website: http://scg.ch/chemedu/2016

Flyer "Future of Chemical Education" (Deutsch)
Flyer "Future of Chemical Education" (English)

We are looking forward to an exiting event and hope to initialize a successful initiative to promote chemical education on all teaching levels.

Best regards,
Prof. Antonio Togni, ETHZ
Prof. Roger Alberto, UniZH
Dr. Amadeus Bärtsch, ETHZ
Dr. Klemens Koch, VSN
Dr. Markus T. Müller, ETHZ and Kantonsschule Frauenfeld
Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi, SCS and ETHZ



David Spichiger, SCS