The 2020 Balmer Prize is awarded to Hans Ueli Ehrensperger, Frauenfeld for his life's work as a chemistry teacher.
[...] Hans Ueli Ehrensperger hat es verstanden, dass die Schüler/innen in seinem Unterricht ihre Talente entfalten und an den gestellten Aufgaben wachsen konnten. [...]
The video of his award lecture in the framework of the Future in Chemical Education (ChemEdu21) is now available:
Balmer Prize
CHF 4'000 and medal in bronze
The Balmer Prize is awarded for innovation in chemistry teaching to a teacher working in Switzerland or to a team of teachers working at the same school at the high school level.
The innovation must consist of an original didactic approach, experimental method or teaching practice and be readily applicable to everyday teaching at the high school level. The costs for materials must be modest.
Past Prize Winners
2010: Dr. Juraj Lipscher und Roger Deuber, Kantonsschule Baden
2011: Prof. Dr. Günter Baars, Bern
2012: Marc Montangero, Gymnase de Morges (VD)
2013: Dr. Thomas Berset, Kantonsschule Musegg Luzern
2015: Françis Mingard, Gymnase de Nyon
2017: Dr. Hansrudolf Dütsch
2018: Dr. Thibeau Rossel, Gymnase français de Bienne
2019: Dr. Rita Oberholzer, Kantonsschule im Lee, Winterthur
Céline Wittwer, SCS