We like to invite all catalysis community members to participate in the 2021 Annual Meeting of SwissCat, the catalysis network of the Swiss Chemical Society.

The assembly is linked to the first Casale Mini-Symposium in the afternoon of June 8, 2021:

SwissCat Annual Meeting 2021 (online)
Tue, June 8, 2021, 16.00-16.30h
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96018207826?pwd=b1FVSXgzOTJ1TExRcDBzbVdFb3NZUT09


  1. Welcome (JPR)
  2. Review SwissCat activities since 2017 incl. NCCR Catalysis (Javier Perrez-Ramirez)
  3. Approval of the online vote counting (Javier Perrez-Ramirez)
  4. Election of the new president Prof. Matthias Arenz (David Spichiger)
  5. Board members of SwissCat and links to organizations dealing with catalysis in Switzerland/Europe: SwissCat, NCCR Catalysis, SIBC, SCCB, SusChem CH, EFCATS, YEuCat etc
  6. Information about the SwissCat strategy workshop in June/July/August 2021 to
    a) clarify the role of SwissCat
    b) define activities 2021-2023 and form sub-teams
    c) ensure exchange with other catalysis organizations and coordinate activities
  7. Collect ideas from the audience
  8. Varia

SwissCat Board Members 2021

Best regards,
Javier Perrez-Ramirez, ETHZ
David Spichiger, SCS


David Spichiger, SCS