180724 ILMAC ScienceSearch

ILMAC Lausanne launched a new platform for scientific and technical content in the fields of chemistry, life sciences, laboratory and process development related to the fair and its exhibitors 


To find relevant contents in the World Wide Web and, more important, to find verified and reliable information becomes more and more challenging. ILMAC implemented a new search platform to easily get information and link them to exhibitors, providers, authors and potential customers. The search covers products and services, scientific articels, Wikipedia entries, patents, chemical agents and many other fields. If you plan to visit ILMAC in Lausanne on October 3-4, 2018, ScienceSearch supports you to prepare yourself and get most out of your day! 

Direct link: ScienceSearch


ILMAC, MCH Messe Schweiz (Basel) AG
CH-4005 Basel