As of April 16, 2015, SCS’ head office relocated to the House of the Swiss Academies at Laupenstrasse 7, 3008 Bern.
The new locaiton will bring together the academy of natural sciences, SCNAT, the academy of medicianl sciences, SAMW, the academy of humanities and social sciences, SAGW, and the foundation of Science et Cité.
As member of the SCNAT and the SATW, the Swiss Chemical Society takes the change to move to the new location and to establish the good collaboration between the SCS and the academies. The new location will offer possibilities for meetings, workshops and seminars right next door to the main station of Bern.
The website of the Swiss Academies ( provides further intomation to the new location and the benefits.
New address of the SCS as of April 16, 2015
Swiss Chemical Society (SCS)
Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft (SCG)
Societé Suisse de Chimie (SSC)
Haus der Akademien
Laupenstrasse 7
3001 Bern
T +41 31 306 92 92
David Spichiger, SCS