Despite its distant format as an online conference, the 11th edition of the Geneva Chemistry & Biochemistry Days, 14.-15. January 2021, has been a great success, with a permanent number of Zoom connexions between 150 and 170!

The School of Chemistry and Biochemistry warmly acknowledge the Senior Speakers for the sharing of their front-edge research, as well as the Junior Speakers for the ever-increasing quality of their presentations. Congratulations to Rémi Patouret, Pitchnaree Kraikaew and Rémi Martinent for their award-winning talks!

The SCS awards a 2-years free membership to the winner and a one-year free membership to the two runner-ups:

  • 1st Prize: Rémi PATOURET (team of Prof. Nicolas Winssinger, Department of Organic Chemistry);
    Total synthesis of goyazensolide and identification of the first importin-5 inhibitor
  • Follow-up Prize: Pitchnaree KRAIKAEW (team of Prof. Eric Bakker, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry);
    Ultra-sensitive pH measurements with a coulometric principle
  • Follow-up Prize: Rémi MARTINENT (team of Prof. Stefan Matile, Department of Organic Chemistry);
    Oligomers of cyclic oligochalcogenides for enhanced cellular uptake


David Spichiger, SCS