SCS Fall Meeting 2016
University of Zürich, Irchel Campus
Thu, September 15, 2016, 09.00-18.30h
The call for contributions for the 2016th Fall Meeting is open until May 23, 2016. Apply for a poster presentation or a short talk of 15min in one of the eight parallel sessions.
Useful information to use the SCS Conference tool
Please submit your abstract via the SCS Conference Tool. Use your SCS login to enter the page. If you are an SCS member and have forgotten the password you can reset your credentials and send them to your registered mail address.
Non-SCS members have to set up a profile. If you consider becoming a member please register as SCS member and use the same login information afterwards to submit your abstract.
The abstract preview helps you to layout your contribution to one page. Please note that abstracts will be shortened to one page automatically. So make sure that the full content fits the preview page. Avoid/remove unnecessary page breaks at the end of a paragraph.
If you submit your abstract you agree to the terms and conditions of the SCS Fall Meeting.
David Spichiger, SCS