Join the pool of 300+ experts in our database.

What’s it about?
SCNAT's Commission for the Promotion of Young Scientists makes its database of scientific experts available to teachers and high school students, as well as textbook publishers, to facilitate contacts and promote science among young people.

How is the data tank used?
Students, teachers, and publishers can contact you about your provided information to collaborate or organize events with you. We ask you to name your areas of expertise with examples of topics, e.g. for visits or excursions with school classes, or Matura thesis topics.

Sponsorships for Matura theses?
The sponsorships are the heart of our database. Each year, more than 30 Matura theses are supported. As an expert, you advise students on the choice of topic or provide the infrastructure to answer the question they have developed themselves. Our goal is to increase the number of sponsorships to about 50 per year by 2024.

Who are we looking for?
We welcome your application if you are currently working in science (research, production, analysis, etc.). You are happy to share your passion and have the necessary resources (time for visits or lectures, infrastructure for [at least] four practical half-days during a Matura thesis). It is basically a voluntary commitment. SCNAT is not financially involved in collaborations with publishers. The experts set their own fees as service providers.

Thank you for your commitment!
To register, please fill out the form: Registration

Feel free to forward our request to your colleagues. Thank you very much.

David Spichiger, SCS