"Dear Members of the Swiss Chemical Society,

I hope that you and your families are in good health. We are all confronted with an extraordinary situation of the Coronavirus pandemic around the world - including here in Switzerland. As a consequence, the Board of the SCS has taken precautionary measures in response to COVID-19 to protect the health of our community members. We have postponed or cancelled all face-to-face events planned for March, April and May 2020, in full compliance with the regulations of the Swiss Federal government.

These measures do not mean that the SCS will remain silent and inactive during the coming months. In fact, we have planned and are initiating activities in other forms that exploit our digital technologies. We have already held several meetings and events using online video technologies. Much more is to come, and we will keep you updated regarding our digital online offering through various SCS communication channels including CHIMIA and our website.

We want to maintain an attractive offering of information and scientific interactions for our members in this unconventional remote mode until such time that we are able to offer our events as normal. We hope all members stay healthy until we can meet again and enjoy the great chemistry, which continues to take place in Switzerland, despite the current challenges we all face.

The SCS Board members, myself, and the SCS Division representatives are here to support you and welcome your input on ways we can improve our interactions.

Let‘s keep the Swiss Chemical Society as lively as we know it to be!

We hope to see you all soon in good health." 

Best regards,

Dr. Alain De Mesmaeker
President of the Swiss Chemical Society


Céline Wittwer, SCS