Division of Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces (DPCI)
The Division of Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces (DPCI) has about 300 members from both academia and industry. The scope of activities and interests of the DPCI community are diverse and interdisciplinary and range from the synthesis and investigation of polymers and colloids, to the study of nanomaterials, soft and living matter as well as surfaces and interfaces.
Community News

The aims of the DPCI are
- to promote research and education in all aspects related to macromolecular science, colloids and soft matter.
- to foster and strengthen the community network.
- to inform members about the latest results and trends and provide a forum for discussion.
- to promote interaction between the different disciplines of macromolecular science, soft matter and colloids as well as between basic research and application and between academia and industry.
- to establish and maintain links with like-minded professional societies and institutions in Switzerland and abroad.
Main activities
- Organize Polycoll, an annual conference with national and international experts
- Chair the Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces sessions at the SCS Fall Meetings.
- Collaborate with corresponding divisions of other countries to organize symposia and workshops on topics of current interest.
- Support and promote the activities of the SCS Materials Chemistry Network
- Publish the CHIMIA column ‘Polymers &Colloid Highlights’.
- Publish a CHIMIA issue on the topics Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces on a regular basis.