Green & Sustainable Chemistry Award

CHF 10,000

This prize is awarded every year since 2020 and was implemented in collaboration with Syngenta as founding partnerand SusChem Switzerland as hosting institution.  The award’s objective is to encourage and recognize young academicinvestigators to contribute to the development of sustainable chemical methodologies and technologies. The prizetargets professors, up to the age of 45, who have made outstanding scientific discoveries within the field of Green andSustainable Chemistry. Nominations from all over the world are welcome..

The prize is awarded annually and is endowed by Syngenta Crop Protection AG.

Nominations are invited from organizations and individuals. Self-nominations are not admitted.

A nomination must include:

  • A nomination letter (statement of the research areas in chemistry on which the nomination is based).

  • A brief curriculum vitae (max 2 pages).

  • A list of 5 of the nominee's most important scientific publications.

  • Not more than three seconding nomination letters.

The documents (language E/D/F) should be sent electronically to . Seconding letters can be submitted directly to  or included in the dossier.

The deadline for all documents to reach the Swiss Chemical Society is September 30, 2024.

The award ceremony will take place at the Swiss Chemistry Science Night 2025 and the winner is invited to give a lecture at one of the SCS events in 2025.