Division of Chemical Education (DCE)
The Division of Chemical Education shall support the interaction of educators and teachers of chemistry at all levels. The possibility to interact with scientists of the other SCS divisions will create bridges between research and education.
Community News

The aims of the DCE are
- Establish a platform for the exchange of educational know-how at all levels (horizontal integration) and also between educational levels (vertical integration).
- Extend the current offerings on training courses and workshops for chemistry teachers: showing and sharing good practice.
- Create opportunities for chemistry teachers at to establish contacts to researchers from industry and academia (and vice versa) and preparation of current research topics for their deployment in chemical education and training
- Present chemistry as an essential area of science and improve the public opinion and awareness.
Main activities
- Organize ChemEdu, a national conference for the exchange of educational know-how in chemistry at all levels.
- Collaborate with corresponding organizations of other countries to organize symposia and workshops on topics of current interest.
- Represent Switzerland on international level (e.g. EuChemS) in the fields of Chemical Education, Cultural Heritage and Ethics in Chemistry.
- Support other SCS networks in implementing education initiatives.
- Publish the CHIMIA column ‘Chemical Education Highlights’.
- Publish a CHIMIA issue on education topics in Chemistry on a regular basis.
- Honor excellence in Chemical Education by awarding the Balmer Prize.