Chemical Ecology Network
The SCS Network on Chemical Ecology focuses on interactions between plants, herbivores and herbivore natural enemies, that are important determinants of ecological processes in nature. It connects experts in the field and provides a platform for interdisciplinary discussions between chemical biology, analytics or environmental chemsitry.
Community News

The aims of the ChemEco Network are
- Promoting chemical ecology as an important interdisciplinary field between Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture.
- Disseminating information through the network and support meetings, seminars, workshops and lectures.
- Establishing and maintaining links and collaborations with like-minded professional societies and institutions, in Switzerland and abrod.
Main activities
- Organizie the bi-annaul symposium ChemEco.
- Take the guest editor role for a CHIMIA issues on Chemical Ecology on aregular basis.
- Publish the CHIMIA column on Chemical Ecology.